Omaha Poker Rules

Omaha Poker Rules


Omaha poker has become a popular choice of poker for many players, they appreciate that the Omaha poker rules are fairly straightforward and simple to learn. Most of the online poker sites offer it to their players for them to participate in. Omaha poker rules are much like the very popular game of Texas Holdem, with a few major differences. However, most players who enjoy the game of Texas Holdem find they also really like Omaha poker, it gives them a bit of variety as they enjoy another exciting poker game.


Omaha poker rules shouldn’t take a new player very long to learn and they will soon be reaping all of the benefits this fun game of poker has to offer in no time at all. The game begins with the players being dealt four cards which will be dealt face down; these are the player’s hole cards. After receiving the hole cards, the player will need to make the decision of folding, or playing the hand. Should they decide to play, they will need to match or raise the bet when it is their turn to do so. Omaha poker rules dictate that the betting will begin with the player to the dealers left and follow a clockwise pattern.


Once the betting round has ceased, the flop is dealt. This consists of three cards being dealt in the middle of the table facing up. These cards are the first of the community cards which the players will all use in order to make their hands. Once the flop is dealt, there will be another betting round which will follow the same Omaha poker rules of proceeding clockwise.


Once the betting round has come to a stop, the turn card will be dealt. This is a single card which is placed next to the other community cards, also in the face up position. Just as the Omaha poker rules state, another betting round will take place once again, with the bets following that same clockwise pattern. The players who remain in the game after this round of betting will remain in the game to see that final card which will be dealt.


The final card which will be dealt is called the river card. The river card will be places facing up and right next to the turn card, making it the fifth of the community cards. This will be the last of the cards dealt and according to Omaha poker rules, the players will use two of their four hole cards and three of the community cards in order to make the best five card hand possible. There will be a final round of betting which will take place. The players who remain in the game after this betting round will compete in a showdown in which the players will show their hand and the best five card hand will be deemed the winner of the game. Players looking to enjoy exciting online Omaha poker games will want to check out Pokerstars, one of the best online poker sites available.


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