Best Poker Room for Sit and Go or SNG

Best Poker Rooms for Sit and Go or SNG

Sit and Gos or SNGs are a special type of tournament, where you can join a table at any time, and the tournament will start as soon as all seats (usually 6 or 10) are taken. We will tell you which online poker rooms are the best to play those tournaments at, but first some advice on strategy.
This type of tournament requires a lot of skill since you will be playing the same players to the end, and you will play very short handed or even heads-up more frequently than in a tournament with a big field. That also makes SNGs an excellent training ground for bigger tournaments.
All online Poker rooms have SNGs, but some rooms are just better for Sit and Go lovers. More about that later.
Playing those tournaments you will end up in the money rather often, which makes them an excellent tool to build a bankroll. If you end up in the money 60% of the time, you are already making a profit. In order to achieve this goal, we suggest that you play ultra-tight in the beginning phase. Build a tight table images, take down smaller pots with strong hands instead of going for big pots early. Do not chase draws, they will only make your stack melt. In a later phase, use that tight table image to take down middle-sized pots with aggressive raises, and you will end up in the money more often than not.

Ranking of the best online poker rooms for Sitn Go or SNG

1. Place
 Bet365 Poker– with their extremely popular Jackpot SNGs, any player who manages to win six SNGs in a row will take down a jackpot of up to $75.000, and give his bankroll a nice boost in the process. There’s a consolation price for anyone who finishes 1st or 2nd 6 times in a row. Bet365 Poker uses the software of the iPoker network, and their huge player numbers make sure you will find an SNG game at any time, without too much delay. Click here to download Bet365 Poker’s free poker software now!

Full Tilt Poker – one of the most attractive and coolest poker rooms in the web. Their software is about the best there is, with cool and attractive graphics, different layouts to choose from and cool avatars. As far as SNGs are concerned, they have plenty to offer, especially because you will easily find a Sit and Go waiting for you even at levels of $100 or higher. What makes their SNG program even more interesting is the fact that the results of SNGs are used for the Full Tilt SNG leaderboard. The top ranked players get big cash rewards and/or free seats in big tournaments.
To play SNGs at Full Tilt Poker, download their free software here – don’t forget to use referral code COACH100 to get their 100% up to $600 bonus on your first deposit!

3. Place
Party Poker
Party Poker’s SNGs have two big SNG features – you never have to wait long until the seats are filled, and then they have the popular Steps Sit and Go’s, where you can start with $3 and qualify for the next step, or win a free ticket for another SNG on the same level, or go back one level – depending on whether you finish 1st, 2nd or 3rd. The goal is to reach Level 6 , where you will play for a pot of $5.000 against 9 other players! Download Party Poker now by clicking this link, use bonus code PKR100 and get a bonus of $500 on your first deposit!<