Newly opened Online Poker Rooms
New Poker Rooms
There are a few new poker rooms opening with Power Poker being one of the latest. It’s difficult for any new site to break into the market and the only way of getting seen is to offer huge bonuses and generous offerings to entice new players. The problem with many poker players is that they get ‘locked’ into playing for one poker site, but in reality the best thing to do is to play at a few, selected poker rooms and take advantage of each one’s bonuses.
There’s no need to just play at one site, in fact, you’re more likely to find yourself playing against the same players who beat you time after time. Your bankroll depends on spreading your poker playing thinly. You could play at one different site a day, for example 888, Bet365, Party Poker, Pokerstars and Everest Poker, and then Power Poker, and a day off through the week. That’s six days of poker at different sites, and once you set them up, and use each one’s bonus codes which you can find on this site, then you will see a noticeable difference in your overall bankroll.
Bet365 Poker might be one of the new poker rooms but their new bonus code allows new poker players to gain a 10% bonus on deposits of up to $100! This is one of the most generous and incredible bonuses that players can get hold of and you’d be mad not to add Bet365 Poker to your group of sites you play at.
New Poker Rooms – The Best One?
Even if you’re a newbie poker player or a seasoned one, then you need to spread yourself around to maximise the chance of catching easy to beat poker players, or fish as they’re called. If you can find ways of winning more easily, you’ll enjoy poker even more. On our site, you can see the poker strategies and learn more at the poker school so you can save your bankroll from seeping away from you.
Playing at new poker rooms can be a tense time as you’ll be unfamiliar with the layout, but that’s where you have to show some restraint and watch tables before you play. If you’ve taken advantage of the maximum bonus, then you do have a good amount of free money, but that doesn’t mean you have to throw it away. Play as you would at your favourite poker site and you’ll still bring home the bacon.
To take advantage of the Bet365 Poker bonus, click this link to qualify for it and you can then utilise the 100% bonus on deposits of up to $100. That means if you max-out the bonus, you will get a free $100 deposited into your poker wallet to play more games and as Bet365 Poker is a really good site to play at, it won’t take long to clear for the bonus. The thing to remember is to spread your poker playing abilities thinly across the top sites mentioned above to really make headway in your poker career.